MyMedicalHUB (MMH) is headquartered in Tampa, Florida. It is the first fully automated, standardized, comprehensive musculoskeletal assessment technology that can be provided ubiquitously through cell phones, tablets, and camera enabled computers connected to the internet. It harnesses AI and Machine-learning to analyze and track risk factors associated with musculoskeletal injuries.

Our Mission
To identify and prevent injuries before they happen and improve outcomes when they do.
MyMedicalHUB’s advanced neural networks and machine learning are poised to revolutionize care by providing more individualized, evidenced-based options, personalized treatment plans, and predictive analytics. These benefits can lead to better musculoskeletal health, lower costs, and improved efficiencies for providers and their patients.
There is a pain crisis regarding musculoskeletal health
Our 14-Year Journey To Beat Pain

About MyMedicalHub™
We empower and provide better insights to patients, providers, payers and employers by capturing the overall multi-factorial data points driving the causation of injuries.
MyMedicalHub seamlessly connects patients, providers, payers and employers to enable real-time, accurate, expedited medical care and preventive decisions. We empower subscribers through our AI-driven, user-friendly hub. MyMedicalHub leverages its proprietary all-encompassing SaaS technology, to accurately identify and report the risk factors that pre-dispose people to catastrophic injuries within a body region. This approach results in more efficient doctor-patient visits and more effective employer wellness programs.This methodology results in significant cost-savings and greater efficiency in the neuromusculoskeletal healthcare market. MyMedicalHub’s approach provides more accurate treatment interventions and ideally, when musculoskeletal risk factors are identified and benchmarked, can be predictive in preventing and/or minimizing painful and costly injuries.
It starts with the fully automated MSK assessment

What We Do
- Automate the collection of data
- Process it through an advanced, neural network of AI and Machine Learning algorithms
- Organize, track, and report meaningful information in a concise, user-friendly format
Meet The Team