MMH AI & Machine-Learning Tool
MyMedicalHUB’s partnership with Microsoft also holds the promise of transforming healthcare through seamless integration within its Azure Cloud for Healthcare and new ChatGPT technology, referred to as Open AI within its HIPAA compliant, secure healthcare cloud. We are calling this tool Efficient Musculoskeletal Management Assistant (“EMMA”) GPT.
EMMA GPT is poised to revolutionize machine learning models in the realm of population health. By harnessing the rich pool of data generated through virtual assessments, this partnership can infuse machine learning models with comprehensive and diverse data points, enhancing their predictive accuracy and enabling the detection of subtle health trends within populations. As EMMA GPT interfaces with MMH users, it can intuitively glean nuanced insights and behavioral patterns, enriching the dataset and furnishing machine learning models with a deeper understanding of MMH users’ needs. This confluence is poised to transcend the limits of conventional models, empowering healthcare systems and providers to proactively address public health challenges, allocate resources efficiently, and craft tailored interventions that cater to the unique health profiles of individuals within diverse populations.
AI-powered, ever-learning engine to beat musculoskeletal pain

My Medical Hub is a cloud-based, predictive healthcare informatics and technology health/wellness services company.
MyMedicalHub leverages our proprietary, all-encompassing SaaS technology, to accurately identify and report the risk factors that pre-dispose people to catastrophic musculoskeletal injuries within a body region. This approach results in more efficient doctor-patient visits and more effective employer wellness programs. MyMedicalHub’s approach provides more accurate treatment interventions and ideally, when musculoskeletal risk factors are identified and benchmarked, can be predictive in preventing and/or minimizing painful and costly injuries.
Our Assessment Technology
- The most comprehensive physical examination available.
- A Virtual Medical Assistant that automates the entire assessment process using Bot technology.
- Collects over 1,000 subjective and objective data points as part of each assessment.
- Can be performed at home, work, travel, or within a clinical setting without the need for wearables or other devices.
- Creates a unique profile of each individual.
Secure Telehealth Portal
MyMedicalHub empowers patients to request a referral and schedule an appointment with a physician on the Hub. Providers can meet new patients and track progress with existing patients. The auto-generated appointments sync with the provider’s EMR to ensure accurate patient information prior to, during and following the visit. Since MyMedicalHub syncs with EMRs, it’s the right solution for patients throughout the care continuum, from initial diagnosis, through treatment and rehab, and for ongoing patient monitoring. This HIPAA-compliant interface enables a provider-patient visit online from anywhere at any time.

AI-Powered Physicians Assistant
Conduct screenings or assessment questions prior to the provider entering the virtual treatment room. Auto-generates the appointment report and syncs with the provider’s EMR to ensure accurate patient information. Summarizes insights from the community of patients with a similar diagnosis. Maps the most efficacious treatment plans.
Patient’s AI-Coach
MyMedicalHub’s AI-Coach supports the patient from initial diagnosis and throughout treatment. Walks the patient through an automated assessment. That assessment leads to a correct diagnosis, by evaluating it against thousands of other assessments within the hub. Observes the patient performing prescribed stretches and exercises and coaches them. All of this takes place via a secure, HIPAA-compliant interface.

Chatbot & Auto Pain Recorder